Everybody knows piano
Everybody knows piano

But like a peripheral guest at the party, you look and listen and learn what you need to, an exercise that disciplines your attention for the intricate story you suspect is coming. If this movie were the old-fashioned novel it sometimes resembles, there would be a family tree printed on the endpapers.

everybody knows piano

It takes a few scenes to figure out who is who in the family. She and the kids arrive with a flurry of abrazos and exclamations, and the viewer is plunged into the warmth and chaos of it all. Laura - whose husband, Alejandro (Ricardo Darín), wasn’t able to make the trip - hasn’t been home in years. Most of the guests don’t have far to travel, but Laura (Penélope Cruz) has come from Argentina with her two children.

everybody knows piano

At the beginning of Asghar Farhadi’s “Everybody Knows,” everybody is getting ready for a big wedding in a small town in Spain.

Everybody knows piano